The UK Bible Students WebsiteChristian Biblical Studies
By Lee Bridges
All scripture citations are to the NIV-UK unless otherwise indicated.
One devoted to the Lord’s service and the blessing of others by giving them the message of hope for eternal life through faith in the Saviour, the other dedicated to the accumulation of selfish riches at the expense of the well-being of others and at the risk of sickness, ruin and death for the vulnerable victims of drug abuse.
St. Paul, as the Apostle to the Gentiles, became a seasoned sailor as he journeyed
through South-East Asia and into Europe, suffering shipwreck on three occasions.
Since that early witness work, countless Christians have set sail for distant
places, obeying the Lord’s commission to go into all the world and preach the
good news to all creation.
To some of us (and I include myself), a seemingly endless journey across a vast
expanse of ocean, may seem to be a terrifying prospect. How many found their courage
faltering and doubted the wisdom of the enterprise? The hardships and discomforts
of the voyage, and uncertainty as to the challenges ahead, tested their faith
to the uttermost, but they trusted that Jesus was their Captain; He was at the
helm, and He would bring them to a their chosen destination, to do the work of
an evangelist.
That work was in essence the teaching of the Gospel. But as world populations
increased and the curse bit ever deeper into the lives of the hungry, the sick
and the vulnerable, the loving hearts of the missionaries led them to focus primarily
on the physical needs of the world’s poor, with a compassion they felt Jesus Himself
had exercised and taught.
What About Us?
Are you a good sailor? A life on the ocean wave is not for me, as I can be seasick
on a pond! But while not called to the ends of the earth, we are in a sense on
a special journey under our ship’s Captain, and our mission is still to bear witness
to the Truth and to do good to all people as we have opportunity. Simple as this
may seem, it is not a luxury cruise. It is a working journey through the Christian
life, and yes, sometimes we are sick on the way. We are bound to have our trials
and testings, to fail often and to feel that we fall short of the standard set
by our Captain.
Perhaps we are not articulate in explaining our faith to others. We may lack the
courage to challenge unbelievers, feeling they will talk us down. Perhaps even
we find doubts creep in and wonder if the wise according to this world have a
point. Yet we haven’t abandoned ship. We still see Jesus at the helm, and we have
by experience developed a conviction that only God’s plan of salvation has the
total cure for a selfish and sin-sick world, and this inevitably manifests itself
in our lifestyle and general conduct, which in itself is a witness to unbelievers.
The Other Boat
abuse is so widespread these days that many of us have knowledge of someone addicted
to this dangerous habit. The driving need to ‘get stoned’ or ‘get high’ has brought
grief to millions, while making millionaires of the drug peddlers.
Alcohol and tobacco can also be addictive. The simple explanation for simple folk
like us is that indulgence affects the brain and tends to blot out for a while
the boredom, the anxieties, the inhibitions and the miseries of daily living that
mark the lives of so many. Liquid or powdered happiness is their costly answer.
on a quiet sea, toward Heaven we calmly sail,
With grateful hearts, O God, to Thee,
We’ll own the favouring gale,
With grateful hearts, O God, to Thee,
We’ll own the favouring gale.
should the surges rise, and rest delay to come,
Blest be the tempest, kind the storm,
Which drives us nearer home,
Blest be the tempest, kind the storm,
Which drives us nearer home.
shall our doubts and fears all yield to Thy control;
Thy tender mercies shall illume
The midnight of the soul,
Thy tender mercies shall illume
The midnight of the soul.
us, in every state, to make Thy will our own;
And when the joys of sense depart,
To live by faith alone,
And when the joys of sense depart,
To live by faith alone.
Copyright June 2009
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