Paul S. L. Johnson, The Bible (1949; Laymen’s Home Missionary Movement;
Philadelphia), pp. 443, 444.
‛[W]e do not find, apart from
exceptional cases, up to 1878 the gross carelessness in forming and breaking the
marriage tie that prevails now in apostate Christendom, particularly in France
and America, the latter of whose homes once were the happiest in the world.
All acquainted with the history of marriage and divorce from 1517
to 1878 know that the influence of the Bible was toward ever increasingly better
married life and happier homes and against easy and careless divorce; and thus
its influence wrought a world of good during this period; while at the same time
its influence was in favor of divorce for the unconsecrated in hopelessly
unhappy marriages those in which the ends of marriage were made impossible of
reasonable attainment.’